Hello, I’m Coach Yesi!

A few years ago, I was struggling with my weight, my health, my energy. In 2018, at 5’2″ and 149 lbs, I had this looming feeling that I was going to die. I was working at a very stressful job as a salaried RN Case Manager in a very busy hospital. I NEVER went home on time and worked plenty of overtime… for free. I knew I needed to make a change in my life, and quick. This time, I knew I needed to do it differently. No more crazy diets and intense exercise that never seemed to take off the weight.

I wanted to learn how to improve my health naturally and be able to teach others the same. I decided to learn all that I could via the Health Coach Institute. When I learned all that I did in becoming a health coach, I wanted to share it with others right away. While getting certified, I was also incorporating essential oils into my health and wellness regimen. I fell in love with essential oils so much, I ended up getting certified as an essential oil specialist with DoTerra!

Truly, the moment it all changed for me was when I said yes to a change. When I decided to let go of fear and move on to a healthier life. Something clicked in my brain, and I never wanted to go back. I applied all that I learned and began to see improvement, almost immediately.

I was able to accomplish a steady, healthy 18 lb weight loss thru habit change, a healthier lifestyle, gentle and fun exercise and putting whole nutrition in my body. I began to see my lifestyle changes as freedom rather than restriction. I changed my perspective, my habits and my life. My strength was renewed.

Are there times that I eat something I’m not supposed to? Yes. Do I indulge at times? Yes. Did I gain a little weight back? Yes. But there is no judgement. We are human. No one is perfect. The important thing is knowing the foundation of what true holistic and whole wellness is for me. I learned this thru trial and error. We learn what works best for us and what doesn’t.

God created us with one of the most amazing machines…our bodies. I would love the opportunity to be a part of the journey you are in, teach you all about habit change, make some amazing programs accessible to you and provide you with some great information about essential oils. In honoring our bodies as temples that they are, we honor our Creator. When we honor our Creator, our lifestyle choices are much easier to make.

I am a wife to a great man, a mom to a beautiful teenager with the kindest spirit, and we have 1 doggie and a birdie. I want to be healthy for them, I want to be able to do things we love to do like travel. I don’t want to feel sick all the time like I used to. I don’t ever want to feel like I’m a walking time bomb again. God put me on this earth to live life and to love life. I know that I am not alone with these feelings, and I want to help those that really want a change have the tools and resources to do so.

My Mission

As a health coach, group fitness instructor and essential oil specialist, I want to take my clients on a journey where they feel valued…I want them to know they matter. I want them to know they are beautiful and strong…just the way God made them. I am there cheering my clients on as they become more aware of who God intended them to be. When we honor our bodies as temples, we are honoring our Creator. I want to support every aspect of their wellbeing and go alongside their journey. Essential oils are such an integral part of reaching wellness in a natural and holistic way and they can be incorporated during a person’s wellness journey.

With so much information online about how to take care of our health, it can feel overwhelming to know what tools to use to make the biggest difference. Over time using the most pure essential oils on the planet, they’ve been found to be incredibly powerful and helpful. In addition to coaching and fitness, I can help you tap into the purest essential oils on the planet and in turn you may experience the benefits and powers these oils have.

My Values

God First, Family Second, Career Third

  • Self Care

  • Health and Wellness

  • Kindness

  • Honesty and Truth

  • Grace towards others

My Methods

It is helping them learn rather than teaching them’ (Gallway, T. 1986)‘

Unlocking a person’s potential to maximize their own performance’ (Whitmore, J., 2002)

  • One one One Habit Transformation

  • Self Paced Programs

  • Incorporate Essential Oils as needed

  • Revelation Wellness Group Studies

My Goals

Strength Renewed, LLC provides coaching services in which the person can unlock their God given potential by looking to Him and connecting with him in their health and wellness journey. There are many who believe that the power is within them….and some is. But that power is provided to us by the grace of God.

He gives us renewed strength. With Him as our ultimate coach, we will run and not grow weary, we will walk and not be faint, we will soar on wings like eagles. We have to put our hope in Him, not in ourselves.

We have to believe that the creator made our bodies perfect and in His image, but He is our plug, He is our power, He is our sustainer. He is our outlet, He is our source of energy. When we put our trust in Him rather than in ourselves, He can move and therefore we move. My goal for you is to see this as your truth.